Sounds in Space 2019


Sounds in Space 2019 – Day 1 (25th June)
University of Derby

Time Talk Author Room
11:45 Welcome Bruce Wiggins Aud 3
11:55 Invited Talk: D and B Soundscape Andrew Horsburgh Aud 3
12:45 Time-Domain Upmixing of Two-Channel Audio Signals Steven Oxnard Aud 3
13:15 Threading the needle: Managing noise exposure and pollution while maintaining a high-quality audience experience at outdoor events Adam Hill Aud 3
13:45 Lunch   MS005
14:45 Production of immersive music documentaries form top to the bottom (and why you should always use ambisonic microphone on the set). Przemyslaw Danowski Aud 3
15:15 Audiovisual Patricio Ballesteros Ledesma Aud 3
15:45 Break   MS005
16:15 Individualisation of HRTFs using MEMS Speakers to Accurately Reproduce Pinnae Frequency Shaping Effects Alex Vilkaitis Aud 3
16:55 Developments of GASP project – ‘Guitars with Ambisonic Spatial Performance’ Duncan Werner and Emma Fitzmaurice Aud 3
17:30 Live Performance Demonstration of GASP (optional) Duncan Werner, Emma Fitzmaurice and guitarist guests! Aud 1
18:30 Close of Day 1   MS017/8

Sounds in Space 2019 – Day 2 (26th June)
University of Derby

Time Talk Author Room
10:00 Welcome Bruce Wiggins Aud 3
10:10 Chasing Space: Some Spatial Approaches to Binaural Creativity Dallas Simpson Aud 3
10:50 OMG – It’s Quad John Crossley Aud 3
11:20 When the Boys Come Home Mark Randell, Daithi McMahon and Michael Brown Aud 3
11:50 Lunch   MS005
12:50 Pitch Black: A ‘AAA’ Audio Game Harry Cooper Aud 3
13:30 Understanding 3D game audio runtime systems Simon Goodwin Aud 3
14:00 Break   MS005
14:30 Invited Talk : Ten Billion Adam Stanovic Aud 3
16:00 Close    

A Research Symposium – Tues/Wed 25th/26th June, 2019 University of Derby
Markeaton Street Campus

This is a low cost event, with meals and light refreshments provided.  If you wish to submit a title/abstract or register for the event, then please visit

Sounds In Space, hosted by Creative Technologies Research Group, will involve a full programme of research presentations and practical demonstrations relating to spatial sound providing a rich opportunity for exploration of academic, technical and creative practice research in the aesthetics, procedure, technology and perception of technology-based spatial sound and music using the facilities of the Markeaton Street Campus of the University of Derby.  The day features a 30+ speaker with-height Ambisonic Speaker Array in the main presentation room where presenters are encouraged to give live demonstrations during talks.

Call for Works:
If you’re interested in demonstrating your work (research, case study, surround sound/VR installation/composition etc), then please see the call and further details PDF below. The event is a relaxed and stimulating one with time for networking/questions and discussion.  Feedback on previous years symposia has been excellent, and there’s always a great mix of theory and practise with a focus on demonstrations and examples during the day using the 30+ speaker 3D array installed in the presentation room for the event.

Sounds in Space Call for Works 2019 (deadline for abstracts, 8th April 2019)

To get a feel for the event, feel free to look at:
Sounds in Space 2018 (including videos of all presentations)
Sounds in Space 2017 (including videos of all presentations)
Sounds in Space 2016
Sounds in Space 2015

Sounds in Space 2014

Sounds in Space 2013

Sounds in Space 2012
Sounds in Space 2011

Picture of a Surround Concert in Auditorium 3 at Markeaton Street, 2011

Picture of a Surround Concert in Auditorium 3 at Markeaton Street, 2011