We have a programme change in the Sounds in Space 2012 event. We are pleased to announce that John Crossley will be talking to us about the 5.1 mix he carried out for Imogen Heap (called Neglected Space which was featured on the Xizi She Knows single) which utilised both Pro-tools and 4th order Ambisonics. It’s not too late to register for the event! See details here!
Website Compromised 20th – 22nd June, 2012
I’m very sorry to report that my website was hacked and was delivering malware between 20th – 22nd June, 2012. Google Chrome picked it up straight away, and my virus checker (MS Security Essentials) cleaned instantly, but if you have visited the site recently, it would be a good idea to clear your browser cache and run a full virus scan. The two exploits are reported as being:
Looking at more details of the CVE exploit, it seems that it could have been targeting Macs, but I can’t be sure. For example, see this link, while the BlacoleRef is targetted at Windows (see this link for a different variant of the same trojan).
If your OS patches and anti-virus are up to date, then there shouldn’t be a problem, but please check to be sure.
After discussing the issue with my web host, we think we have identified how the exploit happened, and fixed the issue (my first attempt at cleaning the virus worked, but the site got reinfected soon after….it’s all clean now). The free Securi Sitecheck website scanning tool was invaluable in this task, and for this free service, I thank you!
Sorry about this if it’s caused you any issues….normal service should now resume!
Sounds in Space Programme Available
The programme for the FREE Event Sounds in Space, is now available (it may still be tweaked, however, but the general timings for the day are fixed!). This research symposium has speakers from the BBC, talks about Binaural Sound Art (with a 48-way binaural demo….bring your own headphones!) and aurilisations of Sonic Crystals, among other things! Have at a look at the Sounds in Space page for details.