My Ambisonic VST plugins have been available for the PC for a few years now and I’m pleased to announce that they’re finally also available for the Mac.
I’ve tested them on Reaper, Audiomulch and Plogue Bidule and they seem to work and tutorials on how to use them can be found on my Ambisonic Music Creation Site. The plugins can be downloaded on my WigWare page.
Feedback, bug reports and donations always welcome 🙂
Hi Bruce, very interesting site/subject…. I’ve come in from the URL below because the Uni’s “links” to the Wigware Ambisonic Decoder (WAD) seem to be u/s. They don’t download the files e.g. one is shunted back into the URL for any of the given links. I expect their website developers ( are responsible – but do you know another source?
Thank you
The links are, indeed, broken. I have got our computer dept. to relocate the software and papers linked (they resided on an old, and now switched off research site), but I then forgot to actually point the links to them. So it’s my fault! Anyway, you can find all the downloads on this site. So, for the WigWare plug-ins, click the WigWare tab at the top of this page (or click this link) If you need something off that page that isn’t on this one, then let me know 🙂
Just for everyone’s info, the links on my University Staff Page are now fixed…..
I’ve been using your plugins in Reaper in a Quad configuration as follows:
1=Left Front
2=Right Front
3=Left Rear
4= Right Rear
I have discovered that when I pan a mono signal (encoding in Wigware AmbiPan), the volume decreases to zero as I pan to the rear i.e. Azimuth = 180.
I think that I have all my routing configured correctly. Any thoughts?
It suggests your back speakers aren’t being routed to! Try emailing me your project file (no audio files necessary)
Thanks, Bruce. You were absolutely correct. The software interface of my soundcard reverted back to factory default– routing Line 3 and Line 4 to Monitor 1 and Monitor 2! The Reaper setup was correctly configured with all Wigware plugins operating brilliantly.